
Blog Entries - 2024

Components of a Personal Leave Policy

Components of a Personal Leave Policy

Have you ever been burned out or exhausted from work? In today's fast-paced lifestyle and work environment, it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday responsibilities.  

However, it is essential to take a breather sometimes, taking personal leave is an important aspect of work-life balance.  

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A man pushing boxes on a dolly. The text reads, "New Threshold for the Fair Labor Standard Act"

New Threshold for the Fair Labor Standard Act

The Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) directly impacts you and your employees.  

In this blog post, we will explain what the Fair Labor Standard Act is and its background, the new thresholds and requirements, and the effects of improper deductions from your salary.   

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A woman using a calculator. The text reads, "How USCIS Revised I-9 Form Impacts Your Business"

How USCIS Revised I-9 Form Impacts Your Business

January 8, 2024  |  Business Solutions, HR, Revised I-9

The I-9 form is a document that is used to identify the employment authorization and identity of individuals who are hired for employment in the United States. Every U.S. business employer is required by federal law to have each person that they hire on their team properly fill out the form, including citizens and noncitizens. The form provides pertinent information that verifies that a person is legally able to work.  

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