HR Academy

HR Academy logo

The HR Academy is focused on educating the novice to the professional, the team lead as well as the HR representative. Designed to provide insight into the employment laws that affect your company, they also offer solutions and material to apply in the workplace.

Popular topics include:

  • Harassment Prevention
  • The Challenges of the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • How to stay Compliant with the Family Medical Leave Act
  • Are you Compliant with the Fair Labor Standards Act
  • Who is the EEOC
  • What is the National Labor Relations Act
  • What to Expect in the Coming Year
  • Coaching and Mentoring for Retention
  • The Risks and Liabilities Every Supervisor should know

Training the Team - HR Training

Our newest program is "Training the Team." This is a series of training conversations designed for 30 minutes of less. Companies have over 50 different topics to choose from. Each were created to equip your leadership staff for the unexpected situations that management is rarely trained on. Companies can choose a package of 12 or more and either have The Human Resource USA facilitate them or a member of your team.
An example of topics to select from:

  • How to recognize a request for an accommodation
  • What is reasonable suspicion?
  • How and when to initiate the interactive process
  • What is and how to control after hour working
  • What are the essential elements of documentation
  • The power of an Action Plan

For more information or a complete list of "Training the Team" topics contact us at