Human Resource Podcast for Businesses
Blog Entries - Sep. 2022

Stop HR Faking it Until You Make It
September 28, 2022
Pandy warns HR representatives if you aren’t sure, ask or get professional support. Human Resources is not the place to “fake it until you make it.”

Illegal Workers and What Do We Do
September 21, 2022
Karl Ulrich from Sebaly, Shillito and Dyer walks us through the appropriate steps for when a worker offers fraudulent or illegal documentation at the time of hire.
Interviewing the Do's and Don'ts
September 14, 2022
Proper interviewing requires training. Take some tips from Pandy as she discusses the do's and don'ts of interviewing.
Disability Conversation
September 7, 2022
What can you say and what should you not say regarding disabilities? Starting with the interview learn what you can legally discuss and the importance of partnering with HR for conversations involving disabilities.